Three Spirit Blurred Vines Spark Non-Alcoholic Beverage

$20.25 Sale Save

London-based company Three Spirit combines the magic of plant science with the art of bartending to create nonalcoholic, functional, and mood-enhancing drinks. Blurred Vines are complex, wine-like expressions created for ritualistic drinking, socializing, and celebration. Each expression is infused with active botanicals chosen to inspire a range of moods, giving each expression a distinct vibe. Layers of cold-brewed tea, sustainably grown fruit, and an innovative fermentation process create depth of flavor and feel.

Spark, the elegant cousin to Three Spirit’s The Livener, is the energizing, lively member of the Blurred Vines range. With a pink hue, lots of bubbles, and red fruit flavors, it packs a punch of bold flavor. The flavor is unlike any we’ve tried before; Three Spirit recommends it with olives, salty snacks, or smoked fish.

Cheese board, anyone? As for that ever-elusive, euphoric feeling, we so often crave–we’ll take as much as we can get. Consider us hooked.

For the best taste experience, serve ice cold in a champagne flute or as a top-up to your apéritif of choice. Pour carefully–the bubbles in this one are bold!

Natural occurring caffeine and L-Theanine from the tea, chlorogenic acid from the guayusa, and the stimulating effects of cayenne pepper and schisandra berry inspire a euphoric, energized feeling.